    Why won't my 'The sims 2 Family Fun Stuff*' game install on my computer?

    I have just recently bought the game and have just tried to install the game onto my computer which is a Windows Xp. At first it seem to be installing okay-I had inserted the disk and up came the installation wizard, it asked me to choose a language, just like what all my other games did in the past. It then asked me to insert a code which was normal. Then it asked me where I would like to place it I clicked Typical user so I could play it on all of my users. Then it asked to proceed to install I clicked yes. Then it came up with a box saying 'register now or register later' I clicked register later like I always do. It then started installing rather quickly which I was pleased about, but when it got to 43% it stopped and came up with a box saying 'A problem occured when trying to install the file TSData\Res\3D\Sims13.Package' from the media. Do you want to retry to copy the file, or cancel the installation? I have tried clicking retry a numerous of times but it just comes up with the box again and it seems the only way is to cancel the installation.

    Any ideas on how to fix this problem so I can play my game, all ideas welcome.

    Ps-I have got the Sims 2 master game and have many other expansions and stuff games.

    0  Views: 3827 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    I would re-start the computer and install it again just after the re-boot.
    Okay I shall try that. Thank you very much:)

    If that does not work totally de-install and then try again after a reboot.

    If THAT does not work then the install file is probably corrupt.

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