    whats those purple things on the trees on the highway called?

    +1  Views: 703 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    I can only laugh at questions like this one.

    Would you mind turning your computer to face the highway so I can see the trees with the purple things and maybe have a guess at what you're talking about?

    I love it C! The question came up twice, I had another answer to the other one.
    Flowers? Aliens?

    I'm going with aliens :)
    They're insect traps, specifically for a pest called the emerald ash borer. The Ohio Department of Agriculture has 75 hundred of the purple traps scattered all across the state. Once the insects infest an ash tree, it dies within five years. That represents a significant threat to Ohio's 5 billion ash trees.

    The bugs come from Asia and were first discovered in Michigan in 2002. Since then they've continued to spread south. The state placed the traps where the bug has not yet been sighted. Emerald ash borers are attracted to the color purple.
    blue birds that rolled in paint
    Flowers or aliens with purple heads.
    Purple People Eaters coming out of the sky, had one big horn and one big eye landed in the trees
    Blood spots?
    The eyes of doom looking down on non believers. Only non believers can see them.
    If you think you are a believer but you still see them, guess what? you need to reasses you ideas.
    The eyes of doom looking down on non believers. Only non believers can see them.
    If you think you are a believer but you still see them, guess what? you need to reasses you ideas.
    you mean BOXES??!!

    Alright, alien boxes. The aliens are looking out of the boxes.
    what highway?
    they're not flowers are they?


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