    How do I add music to a picture cd

    0  Views: 262 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Things You'll Need

    * Microsoft's Movie Maker software Blank recordable CD

    * 1

    Open the Microsoft Movie Maker software on your computer. Select "File" and then from the drop-down list of options choose "New Project."
    * 2

    Click on "Import Pictures" from the Movie Tasks pane on the left of the main Movie Maker window. Select the picture files that you wish to use on the CD and click on "Import." The pictures will show up in the Collection pane of the main Movie Maker window.
    * 3

    Drag and drop the pictures from the Collection pane to the time line along the bottom. You can also use your mouse to click on the pictures and drag them to arrange them. Click on the left or right side of the picture in the time line and drag it in order to increase or decrease the amount of time the picture will be displayed.
    * 4

    Click on "Import Audio or Music" from the Movie Tasks pane on the left of the main Movie Maker window. Select the music files that you wish to use on the CD and then click on "Import." The audio files will show up in the Collection pane of the main Movie Maker window.
    * 5

    Click on "Audio" next to the time line and drag and drop the music from the Collection pane to the time line below. You use your mouse in a similar fashion as you did with the pictures to click on the music files and drag them to move them. Again, click on the left or right side of the music file in the time line and drag it in order to increase or decrease the amount of time the music will be displayed.
    * 6

    Insert a blank recordable CD in your CDR drive. Click on "File" and then "Save Movie File." Select "Make a Recordable CD" and the computer will create your CD with pictures and music.

    Read more: How to Make a Picture CD With Music |
    i've been trying to do that for an hour. good luck. i'm of no help at all.

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