    when does the new law go into effect on banning the resal of drop side baby beds

    0  Views: 1088 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: baby beds

    1 Answer

    I think it is already in effect. They are just not reinforcing it. The are giving people time to comply.

    Here is the most recent thing I could find with the info your looking for.

    CPSC Announces Tough Crib Laws, Bans Drop Side cribs
    Sunday, January 02, 2011

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced tough new crib safety laws that will be warmly welcomed by California product liability lawyers. The new rules include a complete ban of the drop side crib design. Last week, the CPSC voted unanimously to ban drop side cribs, and to require manufacturers to manufacture sturdier stronger cribs. The drop side crib ban is of special importance to California product liability attorneys. These have been traced to approximately 32 confirmed reports of infant deaths from strangulation, entrapment, suffocation and falls, over the past decade.

    CPSC chief Inez Tenenbaum says that these new laws are some of the strongest in the world. She has made crib safety part of her agenda ever since she took over the reins of the CPSC. The CPSC chief has gone beyond banning the drop side crib design, to initiate a sleep safety initiative that encourages parents to put their children to sleep on their backs, and reduce the risks of crib suffocation hazards.

    The new drop side crib ban applies not just to cribs used in homes, but also those used in day care centers and hotels. Commercial establishments will also have to replace the cribs with a fixed side design. According to the CPSC, commercial establishments would likely have to incur expenses of more than $460 million to replace an approximate 935,000 cribs.

    However, the CPSC has been lenient in extending the deadline, to give crib manufacturers time to step up production to meet the expected increased demand for fixed side cribs. Besides, the extended deadline will give commercial establishments and day care centers more time to comply with the new laws.

    The new rules don't only apply to crib design, but also mandate that crib manufacturers equip their cribs with tighter hardware as well as reliable mattress supports.

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