
    sucrella contents

    0  Views: 2168 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Is sucralose. Anything that is a derivative of sugar is OK, but sucralose etc. are actually not that great for people. Many of the so-called no calorie sweeteners on the market turn into nasty chemicals when the body starts to break them down. Sweet-n-Low is the first one that comes to mind. A few years back people started using Splenda which is chaff from the process of extracting sugar from sugar cane, but even that is not 100 percent natural.

    The only thing I know of that is natural and not at all bad for you is Truvia which is from the stevia plant (originally grown in South America). The only thing detrimental is that when you use very much of it, it has a nasty aftertaste. So use very little and you'll be OK. I use only one package at a time.

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