    Is she playing me, playing hard to get or not interested?

    I have been communicating with this girl for over 3 months via text. We've been talking everyday for the last 3 month non stop.We made plans to meet up for dinner which was pre arranged. On one of the night i was there, she was out clubbing with friends and asked me to join her. I left the club before her as i felt i was making her unconfortable. Told her to contact me when she wakes up next day so we can go for lunch or dinner. I messaged her as it was getting late. She replied saying if we could do the next day knowing full well that i have made plans for the day. well i called her and her sister picked up saying she was in the shower and she'd ask her to call me back. She didnt. So i pressed on to find out why she was acting really weird within a space of 24hrs and shes say 'to be honest i dont really know whats going on' 'my head is mashed' so i said to her you can talk to me about it instead of leaving things to hang. at one point i said to her am guessing we are not on speaking terms and she said of course we are. Shes not been clear about her intentions or what she wants and its bugging me.. Anyway I ignored her for a few days. She messages me saying how comes we don't talk anymore. We got that out of way and started talking again slowly but nothing like it use to be. I called her to discuss it. She told me I was over reacting that nothing was wrong. We ended the conversation and I still wasn't satisfied so I called her back to ask her out on a date and she said yes. We didn't fix a date as she said she was going to check when she's free. Should I just keep talking to her or just leave her alone. Or talk to her just to remind her about the date. I really don't want to sell myself short.

    0  Views: 556 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    If a relationship is hard to deal with, then it just isn't meant to be. Move on. There are plenty of girls out there looking for someone. If she decides to change her mind, she knows how to get in touch with you.
    You really dont know her. Just talking to her on the internet does not really mean much. You both can say things that may not be real or true.There may be other things going on in her life. You should move on and find someone else.
    Good Lord Man...this is ridiculous. The beginning of a relationship shouldn't involve this much confusion and angst. Both of you should be excited and eager to see one another. I have always said that a relationship(ESPECIALLY THE BEGINNING) should leave you feeling good inside. Maybe the best thing to do would be just tie another fly on the the old rod and go fishing...plenty of fish in the sea. Maybe if you play hard to get, but for real...she will take a bite at the fly...if there's not another bite that has you reeling it in already. Good luck and have fun fishing!

    Hi Lora Lets go fishing :)

    Get your tackle box's great fishing weather today:)

    :) Im Ready !! ;)

    lol...nice to hear from you again 12x12

    Nice to talk with you Lora, :) Michael

    thanks for sharing your name Michael...hope you have a wonderful day!

    thank you Lora , hope you have a great day too !
    Leave her alone. She is playing her own game, why headache? There are many, many girls out there.
    sounds like she might be bipolar...move on

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