    11 Foods for Faster, Easier Weight Loss!

    +5  Views: 831 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    Thanks for this Pam, very much appreciated.

    Thanks, Spaceghost :-)

    1 Answer

    Yogurt - This creamy, tangy snack is loaded with calcium -- and studies show that calcium may curtail weight gain by hindering the absorption of fat in the small intestine.

    Eggs - Turn breakfast into a fat-burning morning boost by skipping the stack of pancakes and feasting on a couple of eggs instead.

    Pistachios - Nuts may be high in fat, but it's the healthful unsaturated kind of fat found in pistachios. And like all nuts, pistachios offer lots of hunger-curbing protein and fiber.

    Grapefruit - Of all the foods rumored to boost weight loss, grapefruit is likely the most famous. And research confirms that this fruit's get-slim celebrity status is for real.

    Avocado - This green goddess of heavenly, creamy taste can help you whittle your waist.

    Mushrooms - If you want to try an easy and tasty calorie-cutting trick, then replace the meat in your favorite recipes with mushrooms.

    Olive Oil - This rich-tasting oil found in salad dressings and marinades contains a hunger-busting monounsaturated fat called oleic acid -- which triggers a complicated process in the gut that ultimately tells your brain you're full and makes you want to stop eating.

    Whole Grains - Ready to trade your belly bulge for a flat tummy? Then toss your refined grains into the garbage, and eat more whole grains instead. Research shows this one move can help whittle your middle.

    Red Pepper - Add some heat to your meals and you'll boost not only the taste but also the effectiveness of your weight loss diet. A dash of cayenne pepper or some diced jalapeno or red peppers will do the trick.

    Fava Beans - Creamy and hearty, fava beans are a lean protein source bursting with flavonoids.

    Rice with Veggies - Adding some high-fiber vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and kale to your rice will obviously help lower the calorie count. But not only that. Adding veggies to rice at lunchtime appears to slow stomach emptying, according to research.


    Very informative,lots of things on that list I absolutely love.Yippee!!TU

    I agree with you :-)

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