    Did some people stay conscious all the way through a limb amputation in pre-anaesthetic times?

    We did about this in history at school. They said that many people fainted or died from shock as a result of the pain. However, a letter written by a man who had undergone this operation said that he recalled seeing his bloody limb lying on the floor at the end of it, which suggests he did not faint but was conscious throughout.

    0  Views: 764 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    ....some people are tougher than others

    terryfossil 1

    Not sure that toughness makes the difference Benny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    You didn't see the opening of the movie DANCES WITH WOLVES, did you. The surgeon said the foot had to come off and they were out if either. Where do you think the phrase BITE THE BULLET came from?

    There are people in Aussie that have had a leg taken off by a white pointer shark and have remained conscious,but maybe not for long,however if you do not get medical help,you may die of shock or loss of blood if the bleeding is not controlled..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    back in civil war days when they amputated a leg, they did it with chloroform and if the ran out of that, they   had the patient drink a lot of Whiskey . If they ran out of that, they did it with no anesthetic, b/c it's better to save a life than a limb........they used to tell us in girl scouts when teaching   tourniquet techniques.



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