    What is the single most unlikable thing you can think of about the Republician party

    +6  Views: 2912 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: politics

    20 Answers

    With regard to what is said in congress I would like to see scoreboards where truth out scores valueless assertions and lies, where the value of what is said is measured and divisive commentary scored in the negative. I would like to see honesty and levity weighed and graded. What we have in congress is raw sewage in the isles of congress with both sides crapping all over each other. It is an obscene spectacle.

    Both Repuplican and Democrats are pointing fingers at each other and no one in either party has accomplished anything. They all need to go, so we can start from scratch.

    Since the mid term elections the Republicans have done nothing. They made promises prior to the elections, which they along with "Fearless Leader" didn't keep either. I'm not an Obama fan, but I'm getting really pissed with the GOP more so than Obama. Politicians, they all suck.

    yes they do suck, all of em.. But we need a voice.. I get tired of them voicing what the public isn't saying though..
    How they change when they have the power to do good.


    This is the first time I dislike the Republican Party and Democratic Party equally.  They love to bicker and this country is going broke.  Lack of leadership from both parties.

    Lately neither party are doing that well they are acting like a bunch of""

    Single most unlikable thing about the Republician Party….That sure is a tough question. There is so much to choose from ….When i think of one rediculeous insult to life, another comes to mind thats just as fowl. ….Too much to think about in this question … I’m going to have to say all of it is equally and competitively unlikable. It seems to embody “NO WAY” as its pledge to everything I think of as American.

    You said nothing.

    Ok , I’ll give it another go. Stonewalling to block legislative process should be limited to a 20 minuet prattle without published proofs to support the pros or cons. Congressional hypocrisy and double talk is deceptive lying and should be fined and punished too severely to be considered as useable. To make workable decisions Truth must take precedence over what we see in congress. What I see there is not what I consider to be meaningful or deliberated honestly and openly. I am in favor of a crisis of consciousness among the members of congress that abolishes their petty bickering. Too much is at stake for their ways, as they are, to continue without correction.
    Headless Man

    What you said goes for both parties.
    Why are there so many haters in the democratic party, why doesn't someone start a thread like that, I am so sick of these anti republican threads.. i wish you silly people would get a life and work on how to make yourself fit into society better rather than making society fit your needs constantly.. get off the hate!! Learn to live together and quit lying about diversity, you know nothing of diversity, you don't even like your own brother Americans.. We will never have unity in the USA as long as you people keep up this imbecile rhetoric learned on your liberal media.. I have friends on the left as well as right, we see both sides as needing work, we don't insult each other.. you should try the same..

    "You.., you.., you.." Perfect example of pointing fingers.

    Perfect example of not understanding the problem-- Yes, it is you-you-you.. Not saying that republicans are without fault, they certainly are and 'your' media is quick to pick up on it and brainwash its followers. sorry, I am from the old book, I don't like what progressive-liberals are attempting to do with 'our' country, I am not into marxism and socialism, i like knowing that I can get ahead with hard work and I don't depend on my government giving me a handout because i am too fkn lazy to work or too proud to take a job beneath me.. Soon though, people my age and with my values will be gone and you can turn this country into the third world as you see fit. soon this country will be broke and there will be no choice.

    And to prove your leftist hatred for anyone that has a different view, you downvote-- Very immature.. But understandable.. LOL Next I am sure the name calling will start.. HA!
    John McCain,war hero or not that guy is a jerk.

    That guy is a dangerous wrinkled nut in my humble opinion.

    Their super-manipulative,  false-based scare tactics.   Also their  total unwillingness to see anything from someone else's point of view. They are total ostriches with their big heads buried in the sand.

    To begin with I don't even like the name republican

    You have a serious proble... Perhaps you would like a goverment run by one party, the democrat party.. Perhaps we can even have a dictatorship, as lone as the dictator adheres to your likes and dislikes. There's many countries that are run this way, please do not ruin my country with your liberal hate.. Thank you.. A proud American..

    Vinny what you refering too is the republician party and yes I do equate the republicians to a bunch of thiefs

    You have been brainwashed by your liberal media-- To you, all is fine as long as it is your way, there is no need for republicans, we don't need opposing views offering balance, just left reasoning.. Republicans steal?? I think you need some history there.. Democrats are your 'Robin Hood' steal from the wealthy and give to the poor.. I don't like that either.. There are two sides always, republicans as well as democrats have their extremes, I don't like the far left and i don't like the far right either-- My guess for you is you hate anything to the right of your beliefs.. Obviously uninformed at best.. read up, learn some American political history, find out where your money went and report back with facts. I can guarantee you it wasn't the republicans that squandered it.. Or in your words. 'Republican thieves'

    You say: equate the rep. to a bunch of thieves. List two examples please.

    That statement means NOTHING.
    That they are as fiscally irresponsible as the Democrats.


    Headless Man

    Good job Vinny, tell them........

    Good job Vinny, you are correct!

    The single most thing that I disliike about the Republican party is: 90% of them are money hungry pigs, 9 % are simply pigs with a little money, and the other 1% are spinless pork chops.


    Typical liberal name calling-- You peeps just can't have a discussion without name calling.. Where is your 'diversity' I hear all you libs talk about?? I I guess that's not for us republicans now is it.. Grow up, cut the name calling and discuss..

    Mr.Pharr: What a dumb statement.

    It isn't fallowing the Constitution.

    George Bush.

    They are anti-science and a majority believe that the universe was created 6,000 years ago in 6 days.

    The problem is that our politicians are not required to clearly define the facts. They are not presenting facts, but viewpoints that give the appearance of facts that are skewed in their assertions and presentation to support their vision of the “fact”. Their skewing  of facts changes the focus and back-field effects of of the stated fact so as to bias support or denial of the proposal. This method of communications relies heavily on the intelligence, honesty and intention of the players in this field.

    My daily life does not seem to be remotely related to the assemblage of “representatives” we see in   politics. Their strife and fights involve issues that seem alien to me.  That I feel compelled to study the issues that seem as relevant to me as the arrangement of dust on cantaloups in my garden, a fruitless pursuit …that asks for my un-wanted and un-qualified opinion. There must be a better way to manage government than what we see in this.

    Chemistry and physics has proven truths that are used to define and produce products that we all accept and use. Apparently an adaptation to Technocracy in many political areas would wisely reduce strife in congress.   

    I recently heard from a Republican commentator that 3.9 million people had simply stopped looking for work under the Obama Administration…as if that is his failure…But the fact is that 3.9 million people were born in 1947 and this year turned 65 years of age and stopped looking for work because they retired. Republican “facts” against Democrats and for Republicans are not trustworthy. 

    Tunnel vision, & their "My money, my money, my money" view point.   They have been called the party of "no" as robertgrist suggest with how they say "No Way" even if it hurts everybody.  They will not work together with democrats for any reason. As soon as Obama got elected president, they started talking about how they would try to defeat everything he pushed for.   Very childish and detrimental to the USA.  I pray that something will encourage them to open their minds viewpoints and grow up.  I think if the UFO's come down they will cooperate with others better.  They'd run the heck from filibustering and blocking everything that will help anybody but them.

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