    I want to thank everyone who has been giving me TU's, especially IamPamela.

    I've been having a great time here on akaQA and I want everyone who has helped me along to receive the thanks they deserve. I enjoy reading all the responses each day, many of which give me a great laugh which is worth it's weight in gold.

    +11  Views: 625 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    Heres a thumbs up :)

    6 Answers

    I want to thank you 6dogs for appreciating and upvoting my comments too :)
    Well 6dogs what a nice thing to say ah bless I must admit I love reading all the comments I now Laugh everyday and your there it is worth its wieght in gold and what a good Q&A have you really got 6 DOGS !!!! Melanie

    Yes M, I really do have 6 dogs (all hunting dogs), 2 Labs, 2 Pointers and 2 Vizslas. Love 'em all. And I mustn't forget the two Siamese cats. I love animals and always have since I was an itty bitty thing. Mom and Dad always had a dog or two and a cat.
    Welcome, enjoyed some of your comments.
    Thank you, the pleasure is all mine. Your comments was well deserved for all the TU's! BTW, are you leaving the site?

    No Pam I don't plan on going anywhere. I just felt it was necessary to let everyone know how great I think they are, that I am having a tremendously good time here and this experience has me really working my noggin overtime. Thanks for all the support.

    Glad to hear you are not are great too, thank you for your support :-)
    the fellings mutual.. we enjoy your input as well as your out put you climbed the karma ranks quicker than most , which tells us all your a man/womwen of inteligence something we emplor .. keep the questions as well as answers and votes coming and we'll do the same... by the way do you really have six dogs?
    Colleen you have been a continuing inspiration to me. There are questions that you have answered with great commitment, that I wouldn't have touched with a ten foot pole. You go girl!

    you and I are kindred spirits I love all animals my mother use to laugh at me for saving worms and puting them back to the earth I have 4 cats and three dogs that I walk for friends melanie

    You get two thumbs up for that Mel

    I just saw this 6dogs. I guess I'm just a little crazy like that, lol. It's probably out of boredom that I even make the attempt to answer them ;)

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