    How to learn how to invest in tht stock market?

    I am interested in learning how to invest in the stock market, and especially the penneystocks. I have never brought a stock before or invested in any stocks. Thanks !

    +1  Views: 580 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    There's a good reason why penny stocks become penny stocks.  Listen to ninnet and Ben.  Penny stocks are not wise investments.  In fact, you could lose your entire savings.  Look for great companies with great products.  There is also a good reason why expensive stocks continue to be more expensive.  Great companies like Apple Computer and Google that perpetually improve and innovate, and companies like Ross', Bed Bath and Beyond are companies that tend to give their customers the best value.  Drug companies like Pfizer offer great dividends and value too.  There's nothing wrong with looking at companies like Coca Cola and other great food companies.  They have been around a long time and will probably survive any bad economic time.  Energy companies like Exxon Mobil and Schlumburger should be considered as well.  Finally, look at dominant companies like Home Depot, Caterpillar, and Cummins Engines.......  Do you get a feel of owning great companies now?  This IS more like investing, Shakie.  If you behave like a confident investor, you could then change your name to Steadie from Shakie!  

    If you're really a good investor, we could then call you Shakie and Bakie!


    Lots of great books out there. Here's a classic that is very highly rated by readers.

    knowledge !!  {D

    Need money first ! then Knowledge
    Penny stocks are not investments - it is gambling!

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