    what is the difference between a water well or gore

    0  Views: 266 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Do you mean well or BORE?

    If you do you are probably from Australia, a well is a deep hole that taps into a fresh water source in the underground water table.

    A bore is when the underground water is in the substrata and in fact the water comes out under high pressure. The well on the other hand the water is lifted manualy or mechanicaly.

    Water from a bore is very sulphours and smells to high heaven. The water gushes out and is quite hot, to such an extent I have had it too hot to put your hand under. Bore water would only be suitable for people to drink when all else failed.

    Stock do not seem to mind nor do birds. A cup of tea made with bore water is frightful.

    We have a vast area in western Queensland and Northern Territory "The great artesian basin" and it is the life blood of the areas.
    a water well is a man made excavation as opposed to a gore being a natural formed "basin'

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