    my blood sugar is 211 for the first time what should i do?

    0  Views: 970 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: diabeties

    4 Answers

    go to doctor. Here is what i do. Get complete blood workup. Buy a treadmill. Start off using it every other day 20 minutes a day at 2.5 mph. for three weeks . Best time is after dinner. After three weeks , every day. Work up to 3 mph. Breakfast and lunch-- 3/4 c. oatmeal with lots cinnamon and frozen blueberries. Get berries at sams. Cut out sugars, white bread , potatoes. I mix a product called UNJURY ( unflavored) with my oatmeal at breakfast , high protein. Supplements - i take astaxanthin and product called PureLean Pure Pack from Pure Encapsulations. GET A GLUCOSE METER. I use Reli ON Ultima. Got at wal-mart. Test strips are cheaper. I learn to keep number down. Test several times a day. I eat whenever get to 100 or less. Learned to enjoy the oatmeal. All doctors are different. Ive changed my eating habits , feel better, and losing weight. If you get the Pure Pack it will really change odor or your urine. Good Luck. You will be fine.
    didn't your Dr. give you a chart stating how much insulin to give yourself vs. how high your blood sugar is?
    Or, if you're taking pills for diabetes, didn't he/ she tell you how many pills to take concerning a high blood sugar.? Call the doc. If you can't get hold of him/ her.......go to the E.R...Do NOT pass GO. Do NOT collct $200. Just go directly to E.R.
    An LPN
    You can go to doctor, at the moment to consult about it. I hope you are ok and will be ok.
    What your doctor tells you when you go visit him/her.

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