    So here's the thing. America sends the warning, The Arab nation takes the lead, Britain and Europeen countries follow up but who will fire the first missile. America? Britain? Arabs? or Libyan. What do you think. Sensible answers please, if that's possible. Question is answered so now how long befor

    +5  Views: 1140 Answers: 18 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: war
    Raider_retired 3_29_

    You have the correct reason down on the last answer for now. Hopefully you will find it informative and vote it up. I am voting your question up b/c I think it is legit.


    It would seem that Gaddafy Duck has already violated the no fly zone


    No not nukes. I don't thinks any nation is that Daft. Do you?


    I do expect a sensible answer but the mentallity of many on here cannot resist giving stupid answers and you know the same as me that they won't be able to resist it. So whilst I want serious answers I know that as I have just said some will give daft answers.

    papa peg

    Are you talking Nukes.Or conventional warheads.

    papa peg

    If you don't expect a sensible answer.Why ask a question.

    papa peg

    I don't know some crazy people over there.

    18 Answers

    I think the Britt's will take the lead, they are on their way there now. The u.s is probably afraid with the rest of the world being down on them lately.



    The U.S. is policing enough countries they shouldn't be policing. We do not need to babysit one more. Let someone else have this one. I'm of the opinion, the U.S. doesn't really care a whole lot what others think. Btw, Hi Leeroy, hope you had a good day : )



    I haven't watch much news about this today. Have the Arabs manned up yet and gotten involved? Last I knew they still had yet to send any equipment or fighters. From what I understand, they also asked the UN for intervention in Libya.


    I think you could be right Colleen. Obama wants to wave the big stick but secretly just wants to stay home. But I believe he will leave it to The Arabs to take control. That way Libya will have no one to turn too. Does that make sense?

    This is a sensible question you can down vote it if you like. But the truth is it is actually happening right now. I personally did not start it. It is a question of fact that will happen. You know it, I know it the person who voted the question down knows it. Sky news knows it. CBN and Fox news know it. It is not something I personally like to see happen but we know it will.



    I've given you back your points by up voting you. I'll take the down vote if they get mad. I think it's an interesting question and I'm also curious to see if the U.S. once again feels the need to take the lead in something I personally don't believe we should be involved in. Being the it's a UN decision though, we have no choice but to get involved.


    I agree and thanks. I think Britain will make the first strike That's my opinion, right or wrong. I hope I'm wrong. I hope and pray that nothing happens but and it's a great big but... I think back to an event in Scotland when a pan am jet was blown apart and think it is probably a bit of pay back if you know what I mean.. I'm sure that is in the back of many British and American thoughts when the name Gaddafi comes up.


    And on that note if you believe the Media. News headlines read Gaddafi I quote '' I WILL BLOW UP HOLIDAY JETS IN THE MED'' Unquote

    That's easy the Arabs.Seems like they like firing missiles at people.


    great someone is actually answering the question

    Bottom line. Who always takes the lead in any domestic or international conflict. The USA. We have more asset and with out our carriers and stealth fighter/bombers no other country needs to make the first move b/c they already know we will. There are plenty of other reasons but this is the primary.

    It's a pity they didn't get him (Gadaiffi) 25 yrs ago. Remember Lockabie.
    Hopfully this time they will succeed.

    Will I don't think there is a man brave or stupid enough to be first.

    Headless Man

    OK, I'm wrong, now to see brave or stupid?


    Ok no matter perhaps a woman will press the button. But which nation is the question


    That's correct but in a Nuclear war there are only losers. No one will win that. I think it won't get to that.

    papa peg

    America if it's a nuclear war.If you don't strike first you lose.

    Well the only answer I can offer is if it were my choice I would pinpoint the missile on Kadafi himself hence end of problem for awhile any way.

    As usual our government is not telling the citizens the real truth. Enforcing a "no fly zone" can be difficult. In order to do this U have to "suppress" anti-aircraft defenses as well as missile sites. Libya has top of line military hardware, because they have been supplied by the U.S.S.R. This is only 4 jets as well. U still have helicopter gun-ships and artillery to contend with. And of course well trained soldiers, this not going to be a walk in the park that officials would have U believe.

    The question should now read How long before ground troops go in apart from the SF who are already probably there



    If you're asking if USA ground troops will go in, the answer is 0. We're still waiting (at least last I knew) for the Arabs to come and assist. I believe they are expected to be part if not all of the ground force.

    Gaddafi has now threatened to strike at civilian and military targets in the med

    About 20 military jets have just flown over my house heading south

    News update 112 Tomahawk missiles have been fired at Libyan targets from coalition forces

    Ok. So it might be France, as they have already attacked Libian military vehcles



    FOX News reporting that the US will start firing missiles within the next hour. Hillary Clinton is saying the US military is there solely in a supportive manner. Guess that's meant to mean we are not taking the lead in this.

    You shouldn't expect a sensible answer for that question, especially here. LOL


    I'm not really cos I, just like you know they won't be able to resist it.

    Uh huh,excuse me US takes the lead n we follow.Funny cos I remember David Cameron being the first to support the Libyan peoples call for change.First to call for a no fly zone and a UN mandate while the French recognised the rebels as legitimate way before anyone.Obama has said the right things but the impetous for action was with Europe this time.The initial airstrikes were by the French as the RAF Tornado's come in at tree top level bombing with true precision but exposed to a strong air defence system.US carriers,i believe and Royal Navy submarines both launched cruise missiles but the US,understandably is taking a back seat.What annoyed me were US anaylists saying the American people are weary of their troops coming home in bodybags which is part of the reason.Well we have a constant stream of soldiers being killed in Afghanistan aswell yet Americans seem to believe they are the only ones actually fighting.

    Pray for peace and let us not even think that way


    maybe if you pull the blanket over your head, the monsters will go away.


    Peace is best, I agree. But you know in your heart of hearts it will happen.

    The only way to win is if everyone plants a garden, share what you have grown, and shame the people who do not participate in the project stating they are the ones that will not play nice. Food is a very good peace maker.


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