    Have you ever bullied someone incessantly at school and felt remorse for it in later life?

    +1  Views: 1926 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: school

    5 Answers

    Apparently, I was the worst sister that has ever existed, currently exists, and will ever exist in the entire world.  I base this on current rantings and an inscription in one of my high school yearbooks.  She, on the other hand, was, is, and will continue to be the most kind-hearted, loving, supportive person in my life.  NOT.


    nO..I was bullied by a teacher when I was C9 yrs old cos I was so shy she`d pick on me in front of the class..I remember how awful it was..My parents took me out of school until it was sorted!..These days bullying seems far worse...some I blame on technology..not all. At my daughters school they have a Zero tolerance policy..anyone caught bullying gets kicked out the same day!...You hear so many stories these days of kids taking their own lives due to bullying..How terrible is that!

    Yes. I did, but I was bullied too.So I knew how they felt. And I'm sorry .

    I never have, but was in Junior High.

    No, but a girl bullied me in 3rd grade. scared me to death.  she said she was going to beat me up after school.  i walked two miles out of the way to avoid her.  what so funny is i do not remember ever seeing her again, plus i don't remember seeing her before the threat.  


    Somehow, I think girls being bullies is worse than boys. I remember two times different girls wanted to beat me up, and there wasn't any good reason, as I never even talked to either of them. I became friends with one of them. The mother of 3 of my grandchildren used to terrorize my bowling teammate on the school bus. She will only say, "She just wasn't a nice person". Still isn't. :(

    wow bob.

    Phone number?

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