    If the presidential election were held today could Palin beat Obama ??

    +2  Views: 772 Answers: 16 Posted: 13 years ago

    16 Answers

    You really don't like talking politics with people. Politics and religion always seem to stir things ups and get people really pissed at each other and I just hate that.

    Anyway, here it goes. I hope Sarah Palin never gets to even consider running for President. She is the biggest whiner I have ever seen and most of the time I wonder if she is sitting on her brain or just hasn't got one.

    She is not Presidential material. There are plenty of other qualified Republican hopefuls that can challenge Obama and do a credible job if elected to the top post.

    At best, she possesses the necessary smarts for a small town mayor or city councilor.

    America, you deserve better. Much better.

    I don't think there are any qualified republicans to be president nor even a dog catcher.
    if i were counting the votes... yes

    You would rig the count so she could win?

    not so much that she wins but just to be sure obama loses
    Not a Chance!
    They'd probably tie. Then you'd go to another election.
    Could be.
    Probably not today, but by election time I believe someone will, I'd vote for her.
    They are both two pea in a pot. I am with 6dogs4us on his last very comment. No brains or she is seating on it
    I don't think so.
    If it were a pick between only her and Obama.....I wouldn't vote. I'd still bitch about both of them but I would not vote either one in.

    It would also be the first time in my life that I did not vote since the age of 18. I'd break my record just to not vote for either one.

    No. She can't see Russia from the White House!

    I'd vote for her.

    I would GLADLY vote ALL THREE of them into office.


    Sure...if you prefer a psycho to a liar
    only if it was like golf where the least amount of votes is the winner.
    She will win if she is the only contestant...which in this case she is not!!!

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