    Do we control our brain, or does our brain control us. What or who controls our brain?

    0  Views: 4023 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    I think the old saying "I think there for I am" only applies to the knowledge that you are aware you are a living thing capable of getting around in your particular environment.
    Who or what maybe teaching, programming or controlling your behavior unbeknownst to you is a great question Rushie54.
    Subconscious programming and or hypnosis and the ability of the subconscious mind to communicate with our conscious mind is a very thought provoking question when coupled with the writings of Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Edward Bernays etc. and fact that it has been done though television, movies, music and advertising. Things like the HAARP programs ELF and MKULTRA don't make me feel any better about it.

    frist of all ,you have to be born on earth frist.someone had to rase you,until You could thing for your shef.that mean your brain was here frist can you control your can"t control the brain but you can control what your brain take in or out.You tell your brain what to do when you see some, hear something, smile something,tast something,fill something,and to carry all of your body parts including your brain your feet. in the bible it said a man of God footstep or order by who is controlling your ,and i did"t have a chour of being born on this earth,and we don"t have the power not to live this who is in control.but there is some hope for you .when you say what or who control our brain.You control to do right or wrong way to walk.

    Your brain is a powerful regulator of all of your involuntary, and some of your voluntary bodily functions. It also stores your memories and reacts to thoughts and emotions brought forth from your mind. Your mind is part of your soul, or unique identity, which houses your conscious and subconscious ness. Your soul is housed within your eternal spirit.

    Mind / Body / Spirit.. you need all three.. your brain is a complex little thing, mostly attracts negative energy and thoughts.. Life force energy is what makes it all work, without it you'd die.. your blood moves because of your life force energy, which is why a dead man has no pulse. Your brain even functions because of life force, but it is a more complex computer which attracts negative energy.. however, all negative energy can/should be converted in to positive/love energy, which is an example of a well functioning soul. The ability to convert bad in to good.. yin and yang.

    Are you talking about your brain or your mind.Our brain controls the motor functions of our bodies but its our minds that determines what we want to do with our bodies.Are our minds are own and do we control our own minds. Ultimately I believe we do,it is our body,our brain and our mind and to believe we our susceptible to all sorts of outside influences be it god,the cosmos,the bmedia or the minds of others we are responsible for what we think and ultimately how we act,its your brain so take control of it !!!!

    maybe you should google -nurture v nature ,it will give you a good perspective.ithink that we are just a skin/bag of chemicals and hormones .but we can always choose our responses as well

    frist of all ,you have to be born on earth frist.someone had to rase you,until You could thing for your shef.that mean your brain was here frist can you control your can"t control the brain but you can control what your brain take in or out.You tell your brain what to do when you see some, hear something, smile something,tast something,fill something,and to carry all of your body parts including your brain your feet. in the bible it said a man of God footstep or order by who is controlling your ,and i did"t have a chour of being born on this earth,and we don"t have the power not to live this who is in control.but there is some hope for you .when you say what or who control our brain.You control to right or wrong way to walk.

    Your brain is your mind. "You" is your mind, body, and spirit. I suppose your mind controls your body, and in very rare cases, your mind controls your spirit. Most of the time, I believe, your spirit controls your mind and your spirit. Don't worry, all of them are a part of you. They ARE, they don't really control.

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