    What are you going to do tonight?

    +1  Views: 751 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    Relaxing, getting prepared for a great outing tomorrow, with my family, relatives, and friends!
    Target practice.. 9mm hand gun, 12 gauge shot gun and 22 rifle.... Then hop into the pool to cool off... It is over 100 degrees here.

    Jenn. Please thank your son and all the relatives you have mentioned in this thread for their service to our country.
    Ms Sinclair

    Whoa. I'll make sure not to mess with you lol. Where do you live btw? I think you've mentioned it before but I forgot.

    Middle GA
    its early i can say is ill tell you tomorrow!1
    one thing for sure is some sleep
    This is nice, I hope tomorrow will be beautiful weather.
    You living in England. Just I think. My friend told me in tomorrow will be bank holiday in UK.
    Cook dinner, put the kid to bed. Answer stupid questions and then go to bed.
    Avoid as many people as I can, and get some sleep. Not feeling very good lately. Think my bodies telling me to slow down.
    Ms Sinclair

    Hope everything's ok with you. Get some rest and if you still don't feel any better go see a doctor.

    take two asprin and come on this site in the morning
    ed shank

    Will do, thanx.
    Probably check back in to this site on and off (:
    Go to bed early because I have to get up to go see Dance Africa tomorrow at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.(Went there last week to see King Leer starring Sir Derek Jacobi. He was brilliant in the part. If anyone can get the chance to see him perform run don't walk to get a ticket. He is a treasure.) I'm also going to a street fair in the vicinity afterwards.
    This is nice, Congratulation!
    Life of the military personels are not easy.
    I trinking sometimes, but i am not a military personel.

    HE has wanted to join since he was four.. I had a brother 6 yrs in Air force, one 23yrs in the Marines and And an uncle 28 yrs Army. He has heard all of the horror stories.. And though we support his decision we make it clear that college would be a wonderful expirieance, and we will be proud of him with whatever path he takes.
    Do not forget chilled champagne and young party service "workers".

    We dont drink... But if any military personel happen to show up .. I would be glad to get them anything they like... My son is joining the Marines.. We target practice about 1 a month with him.

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