    why are people un fair all the time

    like when i ask my mom if i can come outside she say no but when my two brothers ask she say yeah that is unfair and that make me mad and like when i ask my mom if i can go to the pared she say no but when my two brothers ask she say yeah that is so wrong

    0  Views: 307 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Parents usually have a good reason for not allowing one child to do something and another child to do it. Have you asked your Mother why? If not, don't judge her until you know for sure why she said no. People are not unfair all the time, just some of the time. And sometimes there is a good reason they are unfair.
    First of all HOW OLD ARE YOU I thought any one who came on this site had to be over 18 yrs I may be wrong anyway back to your question it sounds to me that you are quite imature in your comments about your Mother and your Brothers perhaps if you are young your Mother is only trying to protect to please let me what age you are then I can hopfully give you a answer good luck Melanie
    As a mom...I am assuming you are the youngest of the three and melandrupert is right. We tend to baby the baby if that makes sense. I am sure once you are a little older she will let you do more.I know you want to grow up fast but it comes fast enough. Maybe work on proving to your mom just how responsible you are and she might lighten up and let you do more.I know right now it seems she is being unfair but you are lucky to have a mom that cares enough to say no and lovingly hear your protests.I know people who's moms beat them and didn't have food in the house and didn't care if they were even alive. Later you will appreciate the love you were given.

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