How long is it safe to talorate gall bladder pain?
I do not like doctors.. they never find anything wrong until it is an emergancy situation.. I know I am having pain associated withmy gall bladder.. But hate the expencive test that they want to run to tell me nothing is wrong.. How bad should it get before I break down and see a dr.?
11 Answers
Tell them you want the test where they check the function ( they will know what it is) of your gallbladder.
I went through 3 month of this before they would remove mine, because of other health problems.
Then I heard of this test (can't remember the name) that checks the function.
Then my daughter was having some minor pain after eating, I told her about this test, she ask about it, they did it, and they removed hers quickly when it came back bad.
I went through 3 month of this before they would remove mine, because of other health problems.
Then I heard of this test (can't remember the name) that checks the function.
Then my daughter was having some minor pain after eating, I told her about this test, she ask about it, they did it, and they removed hers quickly when it came back bad.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
You should get it taken care of ASAP, or the infection can go into your system ( sepsis ) Once it does that, it could kill you. Also, my friend's brother didn't get his gall bladder trouble taken care of , so it went gangrene and almost killed him. they did surg and gave him IV anti-biotics, and he got well.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
time for a second opinion jenn.. no body should have to suffer in pain.. if this doctor cant diagnose you properly time to move on. perhaps money is tight they still must treat you!
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
It has nothing to do with money.. I just get sick of Dr. looking at me as if I am making pain up... But i dont know of any who know thier ass from a hole in the ground anyway.. It took me 6 yrs and 13 incorrect DX to finally find out it was epileptic. I wouldnt take Pian RX if they tryed to force feed it to me. I just want to know why I am in pain.
Question Is , do you have health insurance???
Pain can go away++++Death is pretty final
Question Is , do you have health insurance???
Pain can go away++++Death is pretty final
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
i have great insurance and inept Doctors... I have had it checked years ago and was told there was nothing wrong with me... I want to make sure I have a diagnosalbe condition. I know I sound like an idiot.
Depends on how long you want to stand the pain. I'm assuming they've checked for gall stones? It sounds to me like that's what you have. Sounds like you're passing one. The pain will last until it passes which could be an hour or longer.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Nope I wont go to the Dr... I have been in pain off and on for about 5 weeks... But as soon as I go to the doctor I wont be in pain at the time and I will be sent home without answers.

If you tell them the pain you're experiencing, this should flag stones. You'll just have to get an ultra sound or CT scan, which ever one the doctor orders.
OK you talked me into it.. I will go next week sometime.. Geeez.. It they say nothing is wrong.. I am sending you the bill.. ;)

LOL, go to a free hospital. Any hospital that takes federal money for funding has to provide the uninsured and low income people free service. ;)
I had my gall-bladder out a few years ago. It was a keyhole operation. Don't wait for the big one 'operation' which must be very painful and you would take longer to recover. So, just remember if you leave it, they'll cut you from ear to ear. It will also cost more and you'll have a longer hospital stay. It is also dangerous to leave it for a long time.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I went to the ER a week ago.. they DX me with a regular ol bladder infection.... I am still having the same pain.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Please get it taken care of asap Jenn, you never now what complications may occur, best thing to do is get er done.
Ultra sound of the gallbladder is not invasive and can show what the problem is.
If the gallbladder ruptures you will require major surgery. This is a painful process. If you can get to the problem before it gets any worse there is a surgical procecure that is uncomfortable but it will solve the problem.
Sounds like you need to see a physician asap.
If the gallbladder ruptures you will require major surgery. This is a painful process. If you can get to the problem before it gets any worse there is a surgical procecure that is uncomfortable but it will solve the problem.
Sounds like you need to see a physician asap.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I dont think it would be safe to tolerate any prolonged pain,...We are not ment to be in pain ,so thats your bodies way of saying somethings wrong,the sooner you get checked out the better....How did it go ?
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Frustrating, eh... If you are still in pain or it has gotten worse I hope you will try a different doctor if this is not your gp,If you are in the states I dont know about your health care, I hope money dosent stand in your way to be wishes..
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