    Have you ever worked with anyone who can't say one full sentence without swearing?

    +1  Views: 537 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    There's a woman on my job like that. Every other word out of her mouth is f#%k, S*@t, mf, etc. I wonder if she realizes how this sounds to other people? Contrary to what Expert said, I don't think they're trying to prove anything, especially since she talks that way around other women as well as men. She may have been raised in a household where that was the norm. And I'm not saying that I am perfect either because I swear but not like her. She would make some sailors blush.
    one of my better friens uses the f.. bomb every other word.. if he could only stand back and look how demeanig it really is ,it degrades your character,makes you look stupid and takes away you creditable.. what if went to a bank to cash a check and the teller said so you want to cash a f..king check, how the f..k would you like that in 10s or f..king twentys, we only have twentys would you really want to use that bank regulary... same thing with people with a foul mouth
    For many years, with many people. I've become immune to it. I never used that language with parents or if someone objected to it. Profanity has a place in this language, it shows extreme emotion when other words simply don't convey the compassion of an issue.


    I have two lady friends that use f*#@k every second world it seems. I have asked that in front of my kids they watch the language. I honestly don't even think they realize they are talking like that.
    Hello Ms are you? You are an extremely illusive (sp?) person who pops in and out at her own/his own, discretion...that's what I like about you! (:
    Ms Sinclair

    I'm fine. I work nights so I can't be here as often as I would like. How are you doing?
    ole hipster

    I'm fine also....good to "see you" (:

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