    Do you think the Republican party is racist?

    0  Views: 527 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Oh god, do we need to go through this again?? No I do not think the entire republican party is racist, I believe there is racism in all walks of life, i feel that there is as much if not MORE racism in the democratic party because they bring it up all the time!! this is getting old... really! If there were one thing I could change on this forum is this subject.. yes i am a republican and i am not racist. But I think you are for bringing it up.. are you a democrat by chance??
    I am sure that there are people in it who are as is also the case with the democrats (and other parties as well.)
    No more so than any other political party. If the democratic party had no opposition we would eventually become a socialist state. This mentality that everyone should have the same "things" even if some choose not to put in the same amount of effort, is bullshit. We are all equal, as human beings. I want what I have worked for no less no more. You are not entitled to what I have worked for. Enough said. I don't talk politics.

    Absolutely!! You are dead on! I just can't grasp why so many people on the left are so willing to work hard to give it away?? There's people that will vote democrat because they are the recipients of this socialism direction, and there's a lot of them! Why work when I can get what I want from you hard workers.. Their agenda is only that and this is what drives them to the polls. I just don't understand why 'smart' democrats don't see this..
    ed shank

    "Smart Democrates", that's an oxymoron.
    Republicians are not for the working class I guess that can be a form of racism

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