    Anyone with Partial Focal Siezures???? Do they make you angry?

    After a siezure I have notice my temper is terrible and I can't shut off my mean mouth.

    0  Views: 2082 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: health

    2 Answers

    Adult onset of seizures can have a number of causes that are best found by a medical doctor. I have had drug reactions resulting in seizures and my doctor dealt with it promptly. I always felt angry when that happened because I felt out of control of my own body….which reminded me of times when my body died…very upsetting when the thing doesn’t work any more. Go to a doctor and get this taken care of will you Jenn?

    I have been on Siezure med for 5 yrs. But the doc. wont give me a striaght answer about my mood change after a siezure... It could be , what are you upset about, perhaps.. I want to know if this aggitation in common with other patients.

    Get a doctor you can talk to. There are several possible causes, have you had a CAT scan or MRI? Are you sleeping oK? These days the patient needs to study the problem themselves so you can tell your doctor what you need or would like to try for your problem. Doctors are not gods and got their education by going to school.
    Sorry, but that explains a

    Thanks.. I do have an attitude on here occationally.. But you still love me.. You can tell if I have had or am going to have a siezure even in my posts.. I cuss like a sailor... LOL
    Headless Man

    True, xxxxx

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