    what to do to have cat poop in litter box at all times

    poops in box sometimes - sometimes not

    0  Views: 456 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Was thinking, it could be the cat litter you get. If you get the scented kind, your cat may not like the scent.

    This could also be true Colleen.
    Make sure the litter is always clean. Some cats do not like to use already soiled litter.

    i always clean it as soon as she urines or makes a bm

    Well with not knowing your cat, I could only guess. Have you mentioned it to her vet? Vet's usually have good suggestions.
    All ways make sure that the litter box is clean as cats are very clean animals how many cats have you if you just have 1 thats ok but if you have 2/3 you must get another litter box good luck melanie
    better yet, get a cat that ACTS like a dog.
    Sounds like this is a very picky cat and the litter needs to be cleaned out every time he uses it. There is a motorized litter pan on the market now that pulls a rake type part through the litter to clean everything out and puts it in a separate section leaving the litter clean for each use. They are pricey, but in this case you might want to invest in one.

    You serious 6dogs, a bloody automatic cat shit seperator, does it come with a bidet?

    Strike me bloody Rome, no wonder I like dogs. I say do a wee or do a job and she does. Christ next there will be something to wipe the cats arse.

    OMG Peoplelover, I almost fell on the floor laughing. You are too much! Yes, I agree with you on liking the dogs better, cats are so much work. I had 9 at one time (mostly Siamese rescues) and am down to 2 now. When they are gone I am done with changing litter boxes - forever. Too much work for me in my later years!
    get a dog instead

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