    if i was never orderd to pay child suport in the pass and the woman decides ten years later that she wants child suport would i have to pay back pay if she request it.

    0  Views: 334 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Why were you never ordered to pay child support? You helped create the child, you should help support it. If she agreed to the non support for 10 years then no, she can not collect for that time.

    It never ceases to amaze me the people who do not like taking care of their responsibilities. As a man and a father, you should have been supporting your child right along, no matter what. I hope this is your only forgotten child.
    NO. Child support is a court order and if it's requested and granted by a judge, it starts as of the date ordered. One cannot collect child support for the past. And it usually lasts till the child is 18 or continues to college.
    Child support "can" be voluntary. However, that's all that it is unless there was, or is, a court order requiring you to pay. To have you pay in absence of an original court order she will have to make a court filing. If she does do that you will most likely have to pay some percentage of your income for child support. No, you would not have to pay back pay as long as, for sure, there was never a court order to do so. (cut2it)

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