    Do you believe the religions of the world have made it impossible for there to be peace on earth ?

    +1  Views: 337 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    I know many people may think that religion causes wars, but believe me when I tell you this:

    People cause wars, governments cause wars, propaganda causes wars, and the fight for natural resources causes wars, there are many other things that cause wars. Religion is one reason, there are good and bad in every religion.

    The human condition causes wars, there are always going to be people to cause or start problems and wars. If religion is here or not, it makes no difference in the amount of troubles that would still remain.

    I hope this comment helped, good question by the way, I gave you a thumbs up....
    yes, I believe they have done just that, but religion is not the sole reason we can't seem to find a peaceful solution.. There's always a conflict someplace.
    Well, I believe selfishness causes all the conflicts in this society whether it's between individuals, people or nations.
    i believe all religione is good on earth we have to respec any we respect echother as a humen. do you believe if there is one religion on earth we will have peace or we still have problom?

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