    why are some people such crabby patties?

    +1  Views: 934 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: crabs

    Thumbs up on the good question, cutely worded...

    6 Answers

    They haven't learnt that it's cool to be pleasant. A few kind words does a world of good.
    Having a bad day, but a lot of it is STRESS. Stress is a major part of why people are crabbie. Unemployment, prices on everything still rising, crime, bad marriages etc. There are SO many things that may contribute to people having a bad day. You should not let the stress get the better of you, STRESS KILLS. Lots of health problems.
    Maybe having a bad day!
    It just seems like when people think of anything (certain groups, other people, religions, politics, lifestyles, the president, families, etc.,) either their first thought or second thought is something negative.

    I think we must or should make an effort to keep positive thoughts in our minds about these things, no matter what we think about them or the subject of conversation. People respond negatively all the time, it's really human nature of something???

    How many positive people do you actually know? Take a survey at your job or church, and post people who comment negatively under the negative side of the paper and people who respond positively on the positive side of the paper, I bet you it will be unevenly matched. We just need more love in the world and concern for our fellow man, this would go a long way towards fixing the problem. TMO
    its a symptom of being a democrat.
    What person are you talking about?

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