11 Answers
Take a look in the mirror, maybe that's the guy that's causing her frustration and anger. Try something insane, apologize for being an idiot (I'm not saying you are but it's an ice breaker) take her out to where she wants to go. The flowers "MOM" mentioned is a great idea. If it doesn't get a favorable response, intervention may be the answer.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Communication is your best option.. She may be bored, overwhelmed. or just on the down side of the love roller coaster... Life goes in cycles.... You are in love you hate each other, you are in love you recent eachother, you are in love, you are bored.... I hope you two will be in love again soon...
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
well if you think she is fool lady I understand why is she not happ ywith you asshole. nothink personal
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I agree with you, Jack. He's an Indian, and they wear their wives into the grave. Some of them even burn their wives alive because they wanted more dowry. Believe me I know.
maybe she is hiding something and it doesnd give her a peace
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Don't be so rude. By your name, I can see you are really a rude couch potato. I'll bet anything you wouldn't help your wife with anything! No wonder, she feels bad. I hope she gives you the flick, flick...flick. I'd cross the road if I saw you coming.
You dont mention huw old she is? this has alot to do with how she be feeling wether she is young/middle aged/or old you must ask her why you are picking up this responce from have agood hard look at your self first you might be the one who is frustated and angry has any one noticed in what you saying! about her or have they mentioned that you are the grumpy bear good luck please give it go before you regret your actions mel
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Maybe your wife is suffering with depression.Is there any way you could encourage her to join something outside of the home to get her out and meeting new people. I know for myself that I have to get out of the house and do something different at least once a week.Maybe start suggesting going for a walk or out for a hike and bring along lunch. Do you hug her often and tell her she is beautiful and compliment her hair or the way she dresses? Do you tell her you love her or take her out for dinner dates? Do you ever bring her flowers just because? I know this is one sided effort from you but maybe these things might start to turn things around.It is a proven fact that if you hug for at least 20 seconds or more , your connection grows deeper. I guess what I am saying is that if you want her to be different, you too have to be different. I am not by any means saying this is your fault but maybe, like anything, a little TLC may brighten things up for the both of you.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
the best thing is to talk to her and ask her what is going on.
sunil soni
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Your wife may need to feel important and she is helping you in some small way to begin with. Try to find out things that are important to her. Ask her questions about it,or,ask a friend to help you. Her friend that is closest to her. Beware her friend my know alot about her and her feelings.( perhaps even more than you really want to know)... but what ever you find out... about her do your best to make her feel important and needed. Everyone needs to feel needed.Even You if you'll look real close you want to be near someone that makes you feel important and good about yourself. Good Luck!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
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