    Why can I not make myself do my physio exercises daily? They only take 15 mins! Help!

    0  Views: 643 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Make a list. Write down everthing that you want or have to do everyday and follow through, no matter what.

    That sounds like a great idea! Thanks, Ann!
    Think of the altrnative if you don`t do them may help. I agree it is sometimes difficult to be a "self starter" but persevere. Promise yourself a cup of tea/coffee AFTER you complete the exercises.

    Thanks, Peoplelover! That is a good idea. Actually today I'm seeing what happens when I don't! My knees are aching! I know why! Anyway...I will persevere and, ya, I'll reward myself with a cuppa java!! :)
    Watching TV while U do them might help, or reading a book, etc.

    I don't have tv, but I do try texting sometimes! I just don't know why I make such a big deal out of it! I know how much it helps! Crazy lazy girl!! Thanks for the suggestions! Maybe reading would help! Will have to try! Thanks again

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