    do air cooled condensers have lower head pressure than water cooled condensers?

    on an air-conditioning system, what type of condenser have the lowest head pressure in the ____________ cooled condenser?

    0  Views: 531 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: hvac/r

    1 Answer

    Probably not, as water is a better medium for removing heat in order for the condensation process to occur. But, its effectiveness would be contingent upon whether or not it involves a circulatory system that is large enough to allow the water to return to cooler temperatures, or if it is an open system allowing for a constant supply of cooler water. An air cooled system relies on air to remove the radiant heat emmanating from the cooling fins, which is a simpler and less expensive system to manufacture, but is less effective. The main thing to remember is, that condensation creates a vacum in the process, and it is the vacum that will mostly affect the ability to build a head pressure. But, you should also take into consideration the placement of orifices to purposely restrict the flow of the refrigerant. You asked a loaded question, that has a whole lot of variables based upon a system's particular design!

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