    what to check for when a car just dies

    0  Views: 505 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    if the car was running when it died it might be a variety of problems
    electonis fuel pump
    loose wireing
    ignition harness
    coil wires
    no gas
    clogged fuel filter
    loose nut behind the wheel.....
    Headless Man

    No daren it died before he started
    Gas it might need some.
    Timing belt if car has more than 50,000 miles.
    dead battery would be the most obvious

    The battery only affects starting problems, and would not cause a car to die. Once it is running, the alternator provides the electricity the car needs, and the battery just gets recharged. Therefore, a dead battery would not ever cause a car to die - just not start.

    well, well, well..I think I have just been given a lesson in the mechanics of a car;)
    The answer flip gave is spot on if motor just cut out and wont restart. If it was fuel you would have had surges just before it stopped running.Spark should have also caused miss fires. The one highly unlikely but can happen if the car is older model and has a distributor the central high tension lead to the coil could come out of top of dissy or coil.
    i agree with darren,also a vacum should probably take it to a mecanic and have check it with a scanner for codes in the cars computer.

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