    Should Ireland leave the Eurozone ?

    +2  Views: 1314 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: political

    5 Answers

    Only if she can issue its own currency and monetary policy. Are these not currently controlled by England ?

    Northern Ireland for sure,....not sure about the Republic.......

    I dont any Ireland or the Uk should have gone down that road we are bailing out everyone now

    Thanks Digger for your sensible answer, you are of course correct. Last week Queen Elizabeth paid her tributes at the
    memorial to the dead of the Irish rising in 1922 to the heros who died fighting for Irish independence...and now we have our own
    government cow towing to the EU banks and speculators hoping they won't take away our independence and bankcrupt the country.
    God help us.

    It's a NEW world,isn't it, BaldyMan ? Kick back a few pints of Guinness and enjoy Saturday's football match. What's your call Man U or Barc ?
    Baldy Man

    Thanks Digger, your opinion is always appreciated...and makes a lot of sense............
    By the way.....I was shouting for Barca

    Ireland made big mistake by joining up in first place. UK is doing ok. with out it. Not sure if Ireland can be much worse off, than it is. Guess we will  know in Dec, with new budget.!

    No they are not......Ireland;s fiscal policy and monetary policy are controlled from Berlin....with Paris looking on

    Unfortunately,there are consequences to pulling out. Issues like trade, for instance, may make it difficult for Ireland to flourish, given that she is, I assume, more of an exporter than importer. If tariffs get implemented on incoming and outgoing products, how well will Ireland fair?
    Even if it drastically devalues its currency,(which will have to be created)in order to bolster exports, all imported products will cost much more than they do today. Not an easy scenario to solve but I sympathize with the loss of autonomy that the EU demands from its members.

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