    how many tratments does it take to rid your home from bed bugs

    ive had my home serviced 5 times and stil have bed bugs
    each time the rooms were saturated can u tell me what is happening

    0  Views: 758 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: bedbugs

    are you in an apartment or condominium? that's one way they can transmit.

    3 Answers

    Well, I lived in Asia for five years. The way to rid your home of bugs is to use heat. Try steam or boiling water. That'll get rid of them.
    They are much like fleas.. you have to treat.. then treat agian at the stage when the eggs that where already laid mature. You exterminator should be aware of thier life cycle.
    Not sure of the number but they say they are getting harder and harder to get rid of. That they are in lots of hotels even the better ones. And it is almost becoming an epidemic. Makes me scared to even travel with all the hoopla about them lately.

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