    Joplin, Mo.

    My sympathies to the citizens of Joplin, Mo. I feel bad for your losses and hope you can find some peace in the situation.

    +3  Views: 916 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Me to, I will say a special prayer tonight.
    My heart goes out to the citizens of Joplin, it hurts me deeply to see what they are going through. LETS ALL say a special prayer for them.
    The terrible thing is that this is going on all over the country not to mention the disaster in Japan and the turmoil in the rest of the world. Sometimes the only thing and the best thing we can do is pray.

    I think it's great to see that people care enough to pray for others, thumbs up to you all.
    I have been listening to their county's emergency services radio for the past few hours. Now they are having flooding problems.

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