    What is your thoughts on this Should we let our leaders know that they need to reform the Patriot Act We gave up too much freedom and now we need to reform it. What are your thoughts on the matter

    +1  Views: 401 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    I didn't think we gave up any freedom that they already had taken. They just advertised it and admitted it this time.

    Great question, thumbs up, my internet is on the fritz and extremely slow tonight, it took like 5 minutes to do this search and post an answer, must be the gremlins?

    Here are some sites to check out if anyone's interested, I think we should call or email our congress and senate to let them know we want this thing repealed. It's amazingly intrusive into our personal freedoms.

    "Patriot" Act Extension needs stopped ACT TODAY!
    This bill, however, will make it less likely that the Patriot Act will ... By passing this renewal bill, I fear that ANY attempt at reform, let alone repeal, will be ... - Cached
    Campaign For Liberty — C4L Update: Repeal the PATRIOT Act
    Representative Paul gives his latest C4L update on Congress's attempt to sneak through an extension of the so-called "PATRIOT" Act. H.R. 67 was introduced by Rep. Mike ... - Cached
    Ron Paul: Repeal the Anti-American and Unconstitutional ...
    Ron Paul alerts Campaign for Liberty members to Congress's attempt to sneak through yet another extension of the so-called PATRIOT Act and repeats his call - Cached

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