    how to make a woman want to be with you

    +2  Views: 545 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Maybe this is better answered by the ladies, personally I've found women are attracted to a confident but not cocky guy. When I'm in great shape and working out, I always get more attention from the ladies, partly because I'm in good shape and partly because it increases my confidence.

    The best quality in anyone is a good heart, be the best person you can be and spend time helping others, it will make you feel better by helping someone else.

    I almost forgot you can't make anyone want to be with you, it's going to have to be her choice, just work on being the best you, that you can be. Hope this helps...
    Treat her with respect!
    Hang a multi-caret diamond ring on a chain around your neck.
    You shouldn't have to MAKE anyone want to be with you. Just be yourself and if she likes you for who you are she'll want to be with you. It doesnt make any sense to be someone you're not, int he end it'll just end badly if you do.
    Be a gentleman. They're as rare as hen's teeth.
    Be a gentleman. Be strong. Be direct. And as the Amazing Leeroy said ... Be Confident!
    First, you must look good, nicely dressed, well-built always a plus.
    Second, be a listener not talker. Speak gently, intelligently and well-mannered.
    Third, always be confident, your way of talk and posture.
    Fourth, be a gentleman, pay for the dates, and only focus on her, no other women sitting or walking by.

    Then, you got a good start.
    to treat her nice

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