    did wwe is real

    0  Views: 531 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Just like mycatsmom said, it's corregraphed. I knew some pro wrestlers personally and I actually read the script of my friends that was telling him what to do.Sometimes they would get angry at each other. I have seen wrestlers that wrestled against each other, come to the arena together in the same car. It' good entertainment though.
    It's somewhat corregraphed and the wrestlers are sometimes told what to do ahead of time ; and sometimes to let the other person win. But, they're allowd to do acts that are spontaneus too. And many of them do get hurt. It's all in Hulk Hogan's book.He hated the late Randy Savage. b/c Savage made some moves on him that were unplanned that injured him. Hogan said he was just starting to talk to Savage again, after 12 years, when Savage died :-(

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