
    0  Views: 549 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Let me see if I can answer some of your problems. First a last minute repentance is rare because unless you have had some bible study you won't understand. If you were told just before death and you accept then you are forgiven. It's up to GOD to decided. Read above on baptism. Babies are not held responsible until age of accountability which can vary. There's no purgatory, and it's not up to us to decide what's right or wrong, it's GODs. Love, Randy

    ok ok GOD decides so if i dont keep wholly the sabbath im going to hell ? well whatever but what about all the religous statues that are made and the paintings of heavenly images now i thought you werent allowed to do that ? but it seems its ok angels on tomb stones churches full of images even the illistrated bible has naughty mortal sin images .I think the jewish faith take that very seriouse and dont have any statues or paintings that are of a heavenly nature
    Sure is, baptism is to show that you have made a confession so the would will know. It won't get you to heaven, but if you don't know when the last minute is don't wait.

    baptism is usually given to babys at a very early age so were is the confession in that

    Isn't the point of baptism to remove sin one is born with? Even Jesus was baptized to remove the sin he was born with. Once the sin was removed, the Holy Spirit was able to enter his body thus making him pure, or so the bible says. If a child is baptized and dies before it can commit any sin, won't the baptism it received get it's soul into heaven? If it does, then baptism can actually get someone into heaven as far as I can see.
    Headless Man

    @ NINJA, Babies are baptized to dedicate them to GOD, if they accept him later in life then they should be baptized again.
    @ Colleen, Not to remove sin, to show the world you have made that decision to have your sins forgiven. Jesus was without sin but was to show us the way. Love, Randy

    If he was without sin, why did he get baptized so the Holy Spirit could enter him?

    John the Baptist preached a baptism for the forgiveness of sins and in so doing he was preparing the way for the Lord.[2] Jesus came to the Jordan River where he was baptized by John at a site traditionally known as Qasr al-Yahud (the Jews' Castle).[2][3][4][5][6][7] This event concluded with the heavens opening, a dove-like descent of the Holy Spirit, and a voice from Heaven saying, "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased."
    That is a good question. Why don't you ask Him? He will answer you.

    freedomfighter it seems that it might have been a way to scare people into keeping the churches all important numbers up

    the church cant servive with out financial imput from its members
    ohhhh if fair is fair NOPE last minute repentance is a last minute ditch if a life time of wrong doing can be forgiven so easy it sux . Baptism has to be so unjust if its one of the only was to get eternal salvation there are so many tribal people of the world that have very little to do with the western religions and babys that didnt get the chance ect wheres the justice in that ? and now that pergatory is no longer the half way point its hell for them ???? im not religious so it doesnt worry me but for the people that are is that fair ???? Heres what i think would be fair that we all get to judge our own life surely we cant hide we all know whats in our hearts at a perticular time ( if we stole some food to stay alive ?)(or we killed in the name of war) or the food we stole was for greed only or we killed in war in a sadistic crule way we know every reason why we lied how hurtfull we were to whom and why i say if fair is fair judge ur self on the so called judgement day and i would think baptised or not last minute confessions wont mean a thing it would all be down to how you lived ur life in ur situation rich poor in a tiny little tribe far far away that seems like a just and fair God .
    Headless Man

    Let me see if I can answer some of your problems. First a last minute repentance is rare because unless you have had some bible study you won't understand. If you were told just before death and you accept then you are forgiven. It's up to GOD to decided. Read above on baptism. Babies are not held responsible until age of accountability which can vary. There's no purgatory, and it's not up to us to decide what's right or wrong, it's GODs. Love, Randy

    so what happend to puratory i didnt make that name up
    Think about the thief on the cross. He certainly didn't have the opportunity to get baptized, but Jesus told him that he would be with Him in Paradise that day. Baptism does not save you, but is an outward sign that you have received salvation. Jesus commanded that we be baptized, but if one is unable to receive baptism, that will not stop him from going to heaven if he is saved in every other respect. By all means, get baptized after you ask Jesus into your heart, if you can. Jesus loves His family to be obedient.

    "Jesus loves His family to be obedient."

    I'm sorry but all I can hear in my head right now is "Good doggie. Sit, stay" Trying hard not to laugh or snicker......ooops. Oh well. : )

    hummmm so that we can look forward to eternaty doing what? adoring and worshiping a GOD.Most humans get pissed of with that in a few years, and hate the constant attention ,do u really think that a God so huge powerful alknowing could put up with a bunch of adoring worshiping brown nosed freaks for eternity ??? do you ??

    paradise ? i would like to see the whole commercial before i commit( 60 day money back if not completly satisfied)

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