    what is a bone infection

    0  Views: 477 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    It's called osteomylietis. It's an infection that goes right down into the bone, such as the arm. The infection is caused by the staph germ or something like staph . It can be dangerous. If it's not treated with antibiotic IVs, it can result in amputating the arm or leg or foot, or whatever. If it gets into the system, it can kill someone unless they get on antibiotic IVs. My friend;s wife had it in her arm many times. It would start oozing out a yellowish liquid at night.....right out of her bone, on up out of her arm. She almost lost her arm. She had that forearm broken so many times. It broke by itself, b/c she had bad osteoarthritis.....loss of calcium from the bone. Some of her other bones deteriorated too---like the vertebrae in her back.
    Most wound infections start in the skin, fat, muscle, and other tissues called 'soft tissues.' If the infection goes deeper, it can reach the bone.

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