    Dear leeroy, do you sleep well heutnacht?

    Wie kann ich schlafen, wenn ich so viele Fragen habe???
    Gruß Euch allen Kiffa

    0  Views: 344 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    i think leroy types in his sleep. maybe your his (next) type

    Good one, this is good practice for school. I have been increasing my wpm speed.
    Ich mag die Dinge aufschreiben, wenn meine Gedanken sind mir durch den Kopf laufen so schnell, dass ich nicht schlafen kann. Es funktioniert f?r mich, versuchen Sie es m?glicherweise auch helfen.

    Google translate is far better in helping to understand the stuff coming to you than that going out!

    Is it, I haven't read up on my German since high school, I understand bits and pieces, but the second year I took it I used to go surfing first hour and I skipped it most of the time. See kids skipping class will hurt you in the long run...

    o.k. I just though of what some smartazz kid would say, and no I never became a professional surfer, so it never did pay off o.k....
    leeroy..kiffa likes old dog you! (:

    lol, yes she's probably quite young still looking forward to a birthday, the last birthday I looked forward to was my 21st. That way I could drink legally. ha. ha.
    ole hipster

    Like I old dog you! (:
    You mean "tonight."

    Translation: "How can I sleep when I have so many questions!"

    Thanks Ninnet, t.u.
    Now I have your answer and read your comments! And now I am ashamed! I have told so much nonsense? :( :( Kiffa

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