    I use AOL as my mail supplier. I have two e mail addresses which are to be shut-down, eliminated. For the life of me I can't find the pathway to make that happen on AOL

    0  Views: 956 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Purely from personal experience, and others may have different views, nothing AOL does is acceptable

    I used them as my server for a while and gradually so many things went wrong I decided to change to another.

    Easy? Not with AOL. Whatever your problem, print and keep every contact with them. It took me months after I had installed a new server to stop them charging me for something I had removed from my computer and informed them, correctly.

    The next time I decided to change, because that service could only provide dial-up where I was living and another could provide a constant wireless connection, I gave them the required month's notice and that was the end of the matter.

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