    Does anyone else get a warning like you have have only 7 then 6 etc... votes left?

    When i place a vote a little blue box opens up telling me I have only 10 then 9 then 8 and so on to zero votes left for the day? Does anyone else get that to? Thank you

    +2  Views: 768 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: votes

    Yes my friend, as a matter of fact I just used my last one on you just now,but that's ok because you asked a GOOD question. Thanks Raider.

    6 Answers

    Yes I've been getting it for a while now. Is this something new for you? Something you haven't had since you joined? Personally I think limiting votes is a good idea. It may make people think twice about how they vote. Especially for those who use the votes as a "get even" tactic.

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    At first I never received it but I like to vote up good answer. So a new thing. It allows you to go under zero votes to -1. -2 etc... I want all the way to negative 8. Well here A a vote up for you and any TU for my question I appreciate. Much luv friend!

    I don't get it either???

    Yes, I get that warning also...I imagine we all's nice to have it to refer to.

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Thanks At first I never received it but I like to vote up good answers. So it is kinda of a new thing. It allows you to go under zero votes to -1. -2 etc... I went all the way to negative 8. Well here A a vote up for you and any TU for my question I appreciate. Much luv friend!

    I am not getting it... But then again i dont get alot of things... thereis your smile for the day.


    Hi, Jenn are you doing ok?

    Yeah Raider, I've been getting them all day. I didn't know there was a limit on thumbs. I thought that I was seeing things because I'M SO OLD!! Ha ha

    It's a good idea, because votes should be used sincerely, not; like someone else said, to get even with people who you have a personal bias against.


    Good answer.

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