    How much is a wrongful firing worth in a court of law?

    I was wrongfully fired two years ago and can prove it. How much is it worth in a court of law?

    0  Views: 262 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    There are also whistleblower cases. If it's really egregious, and you can convince the court, millions might be possible. The "system", however is stacked ..not in your favor!

    Age,race,sex discrimination can be worth almost any amount if put before a jury. You'd better have a ton of proof, and have someone who still works there substantiate what your claiming. The latter is difficult, as their job will be in jeopardy. Contact the Dept. of Labor they may provide legal assistance. If not an attorney will cost you. If your case is rock solid they may do a contingency. Otherwise it's on you. P.S. If their asking for money up front your case is weak and they will go through the motions just to clean you out.

    From what I have read, very few wrongful dismissal cases are successful. You have to have so much proof, documentation, many witnesses, and as stated by Ed, the lawyers will go through the motions with you, even knowing that you will not win.  It is the type of case that has a great probability of lasting for years with you still being the loser in the end.  You know who the winners will be, don't you?

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