    Is the death sentence justified?

    Do you believe in capitol punishment, the death penalty?

    +3  Views: 2818 Answers: 22 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: death

    I definitely believe in the death penalty. It would work, if enforced instead of letting these people live on death row for 15 to 20 years or more usually and at our expense. I think if one knew they would die and quickly after being sentenced it would reduce crime, that is just my opinion.

    22 Answers

    <a href="/users/99/raider8763/">@Raider8763</a> - Good Question. So I did some research.

    In different countries, this topic has been a matter of controversy and debate. Criminals who have committed the worst of atrocities, which means crimes like genocide, mass murder, terrorism etc. are the ones who are given a death sentence. The severity of use of the death sentence is different in different countries. Different countries also use different methods to execute convicts awaiting death sentences.

    Many a time, the question arises about if the death sentence is justified. After all, nobody has the right to take away someone’s life. Not even the government. Death is to be decided by only the almighty. No government has the right to overstep its boundaries and end a person’s right to live, however severe are the acts he has committed.
    Many governments, especially dictatorships and monarchies have used the death sentence as a tool to their political power. Many rulers use the death penalty to kill their political opponents and eliminate competition. In such instances, we see that death penalty has become a curse to people and their living. In the end, it is those people who are under non-democratic, authoritative governments who suffer. It is those people who raise their voice to get their basic needs fulfilled, get killed. Here, we clearly see that the death penalty has not only brought suffering and despair to the convicted, but also to a person who now doesn’t even have the right to raise his voice and assert his right not to be happy about things.

    However, there is a flip side. We see from experiences that countries who ban the death sentence always receive an increase in henious crimes being committed in that country. When there aren’t enough punishments, people are not scared to commit such crimes. And when people do convicted, they get out through loopholes in the judicial system and commit the same crimes, and yet, they are not punished. Countries, especially the ones suffering from terrorism must exercise its right to punish a criminal to death.
    The use of the death sentence must be regulated. Only those criminals who are accused and proved of committing henious, brutal crimes must be penalised with a death sentence. A government must ensure that NO INNOCENT MAN will be killed due to the crime committed by someone else.

    by Ashwath Komath

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Great research, Pamela! how about a thumbs up for the question and heres the 1st one for this well explained answer. GREAT!

    There was a woman in New Hampshire named Kimberly Cates. A gang of young thugs broke into her house while she and her daughter were sleeping. The home invaders hacked Kimberly to death with machetes. It took her a while to bleed to death while they continued to chop her beautiful face into hamburger. They even cut off one of her feet at one point.

    They left her daughter for dead but she survived, scarred for life. New Hampshire's death penalty is restricted to murder of police and some other very narrow circumstances. One of the monsters was convicted and sent to prison for life and now he's running around bragging about what he did. Another is claiming insanity in his current trial.

    By any measure of decency, these animals should not be allowed to live, but New Hampshire law currently does no allow for real justice. That infuriated many people.

    There are some crimes that are so horrible that only the death penalty can be true justice in response to them. The murder of Kimberly Cates is an example of that. It taxes the imagination how these neanderthals could laugh and enjoy such butchery and still be part of the human race.

    Imagine what Kimberly Cates felt as those blades kept taking out chunks of her body, knowing that the young merciless dirtbags wielding those machetes would never suffer anything equivalent to the atrocity they were inflicting on her.

    Fortunately, the recently elected state legislative majority have submitted a bill to include such crimes under the qualifications for the death penalty. Even so, there are people who object to this. They are among the cretins who think there should be no death penalty.

    Only people who have the potential to commit such a crime themselves would have this inexplicable mentality.

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Great research, Pamela! how about a thumbs up for the question and heres one for yours!

    If you don't want to put them to death.Send them to Sheriff JOE in Arizona for life.Now that's real punishment.

    Typical liberal reply. So, where did you learn that "..... most of the people in prison are innocent....". Would be very interested to know just how you know that. Maybe you went to several prisons and interviewed the prisoners, and they said "I'm innocent." And being the dumb ass that you are, you believed them. Really, I know you didn't do that, but there is no way in hell that you can validate your statement.

    Watch a documentary called "After Innocence." It's about innocent people going to prison. Then watch another one called Witch hunt.. watch both of them and see for yourself how easy it is to be convicted even though you're innocent.. and when they are found to be innocent 'after' they've been sent to prison, they don't let them leave still.

    Would have been justified if there were zero mistakes with that, and that is impossible

    "Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness" What would've happened if the instructor was subsequently murdered? It was unanimous as to what the suspect looked like. So much for the death penalty.

    I don't believe it deters crime. But to see a mad dog put down even for revenge doesn't cause me any angst.

    Only if the convicted is black. :)

    In one word..YES!!..there are many sociopaths (sp?) out there who kill, maim, terrorize, rape and kill who definitely deserve the death penalty and I believe in an eye for an eye..they should have the same thing done to them (slowly) that they did to their victim(s)

    No. Because if you're rich and can hire a good lawyer you can get off no matter how heinous the crime (and that's assuming you get charged with the crime at all). If you're poor you're in deep s**t, innocent or guilty.

    This is a difficult question. I use to think the death penalty was justice, but then more and more people were determined to be innocent by DNA teting. Now, I think that life without the possibility of parole is more just. Somehow it seems that the death penalty is more of an emotional response rather than an objective decision based on the evidence.

    I think if are caught in the act.They should be put to death.

    too bloody true it is
    inone word yes only wish we had it in england

    dont see what the problem is ,if you cant do the time
    dont do the crime, bring back the death penalty in england

    Why should we kill show them that killing is wrong..

    I believe that they will suffer more in a prison for their lifetime..than giving them the easy way out with a lethal injection or whatever.



    Do you have any idea how cushy some American prisons are? Prisoners have their own society and their own form of "government". Most become so comfortable with this way of living, they never want to leave. Free food, free internet & free cable TV. Libraries filled with any book or novel that might interest them, sports areas where they can play basketball, football, baseball, free education, free medical and dental and all clothing provided. I hardly see how that's suffering to the same degree that they caused so many others to suffer. Remember, the suffering doesn't stop with their victim(s).


    Why should we pay for the upkeep of prisoners who kill????? Give them a dose of what they did to an innocent person.

    yes, post birth abortion is necessary, there is not enough room on this planet

    I just love the state of TEXAS!

    YES why should the people pay to keep someone in prison that has taken someone elses life.if you can't pull the plug on them then call me.i will still sleep good..

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    definitely not. Certainly not in a country that punishes those that have done nothing.. in fact, most of the people in prison are innocent, even the guilty ones look like saints when you compare them to the nightmare known as the American government. There are tons of people in prison just for possessing weed.. no weapons of mass destruction, a natural herb.


    Most people in prison are innocent? COME ON!!! REALLY,did you just say that,or have my eyes really gone bad?


    "Tons of people in prison for possessing weed". Where do you live,must make a note to say away from that state,you know potheads tend to forget,must make a note..........


    ole hipster:Just joking about the pothead forgetting,is'nt that what they say?I do my best to "indulge" as often as possible,and i don't drink i think i'am one of those intelligent one's LOL...


    Watch a documentary called "After Innocence." It's about innocent people going to prison. Then watch another one called Witch hunt.. watch both of them and see for yourself how easy it is to be convicted even though you're innocent.. and when they are found to be innocent 'after' they've been sent to prison, they don't let them leave still.


    I didn't mean to say most.. but I hope you know there are about a million people in prison in America.. are you kidding me? are YOU kidding ME?.. how many guilty people are there? are the powers that be exempt from guilt? who is judging these people?.. many go behind bars from eye witness accounts, and people like O.J. get away free because he has money. Wake up?


    No one I know has been imprisoned.. but anyone with an IQ of 25 can do their own research and see how innocent people are put away. It's the natural conclusion, like the 2 documentaries I already mentioned.. because not only are there many false witness testimonies, you must also define who is more guilty.. sometimes the ones putting a man away are more guilty than the man. If anyone believes that's justice then I only feel sorry for them and wish I had the chance to show them mercy.


    People who become paranoid from smoking weed are not 'stupid'.. it is a chemical reaction in the brain, and the fact is everyone has a different tolerance level, and that is the main reason 'many' are affected by it.. sensitivity and chemistry.

    ole hipster

    Say anonymous has being mistakenly being imprisoned happened to you or someone you loved...then all your comments are quite understandable. (:

    ole hipster

    Oh by the way...all potheads do not forget...many quite intelligent people smoke's the unintelligent who can't handle it..makes them paranoid or stupid..don't judge everyone who indulges...take a look at drunks for many people have you seen or heard of fighting when high or drunk?? (point taken)


    you see, this person thinks that all are innocent, and thats saying that our justice system is wrong.

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