    ive been with my partner for nine months he put out 3 of his kids to be free keep playin mind games with me against other girl i luv him to pieces but he just dosent care what do i do im lost

    i have 6 kids of my own an he hate 3 an likes 3

    0  Views: 790 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: feelings

    2 Answers

    Hi Unhappy

    Sprocket's language isn't good but the sentiments are.

    You are responsible for 6 children... 6 youngsters this man is mistreating.

    I suspect you mean the sex is good. Whatever, stop being selfish.

    If the place where you live is yours, change the locks. If it isn't, take your children and walk away with what you can carry. They are more precious than possessions.

    If you have nowhere else to go, try a church... any church, whether you are a believer or not. There IS help out there.

    For the sake of your children, and you own sake, go out and find it.
    tell him to fuck off ,why are you still with this loser
    must be mad to put up with it or you could just shoot the pratt

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