    Why do people think Christians are kooks?

    Im a Christian,and since i have been on here I have been called a Kook,why?

    +1  Views: 501 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Some ~are~ kooks.. Unfortunately, the kooks will set the pace. What a kook does reflects on all. This is too bad.

    For instance, here in my area is very liberal (progressive) demographics. They pretty much consider any Christian as a kook , mainly because the kooks make it to the media., Reverend White, that Fla Baptist Preacher that hates military and shows up at the funerals of our fallin heroes.. In 'most' cases, these kooks that are christian are also Conservatives, this adds to the fuel.. So, the way they think 'One for all and all for one' exemplifies the thought process they possess. Therefore, all Christians are kooks because of the radical few. just as one 'idiot' poster here says 'whay are all Muslims idiots??"

    Of course we all know that 'all Christians' are not kooks but you must admit that there are some Christian Radicals that ruin it for all Christians..

    I for one, despise anyone trying to 'ram' their beliefs down my throat, be it Global warming or Christianity.. I think it is rude and inappropriate. As much as I do not like this forward behavior, i don't call them kooks, I call them rude and one sided.

    thumbs up from me vinny it be like saying all truckers drive macks... empty barrels make the most noise

    I like that.. "Empty barrels make the most noise."-- I'll be saying that a lot at work tomorrow.. LOL
    cause we are crazy, crazy for christ that is
    Here's something an interesting I found - Do christians tell you what to think, or teach you how to think? ...No wonder unbelievers think Christians are a bunch of kooks - that's what they see... The people are not taught how to think!!!
    Christians are not Kooks. But some people feel uncomfortable in their presence especially when they are approached and the topic of religion comes up. They are either unfamiliar with the word of God or assume they'll be told their doomed for eternity. These are two reasons that I can think of why Christians very often are kept at bay.
    when you're're a nut all the way

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