    Was it right for a Seattle cop to punch a woman in the face during a dispute over jaywalking? [VIDEO]

    A bystander caught a heated dispute between a cop and two young women on video. Officer Ian P. Walsh was attempting to arrest 19-year-old Marilyn Levias for jaywalking when the woman's 17-year-old friend tried to intervene, according to the Associated Press. The officer responded by punching the 17-year-old in the face. Was the dispute with the teenagers handled appropriately?

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    0  Views: 969 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    That will teach her not to interfere with a police officer.
    woman or man dosent matter, justice knows no differant
    Yes the police officer cold have pulled out his pistola and used deadly force surprized he didnot
    Whenever a person is resisting arrest, or interferring with an arrest, a cop can do whatever is necessary to bring things under control. She is probably lucky she only got a punch.
    No, I can't agree with him punching her in the face. True, she should not have shoved him but if we condone a male officer for punching a woman in the face, how do we tell other men they can not punch a woman in the face? He should have just grabbed her and cuffed her. Then he could have gone back to "talking" to the jaywalker he was manhandling while he was trying to "defuse" the situation.
    The police in Australia are very nice and polite and never brutalize it's citizens. If they did there would be an uproar on the media. I don't think it's right at all.
    I didn't even know that they still arrest people for jaywalking. They'd have to arrest half the population of New York City if that happened here. Couldn't he have just issued her a summons and left it at that? I don't like the idea of ANY man punching a woman or, in this case, a girl. I'm not condoning the teens behavior but I think that it could have been handled differently.

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