    why is my garden inundated with snails

    0  Views: 1000 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    get some Ducks they eat them all the time this is true but they crap all over your garden and it takes for ever to keep it clean the other way is eggshells or copper wire around your plants in the UK they are every where I cant do any of this so I throw them over the fence on to grass so i wont break their shell and one year i put nail varnish on their shells as I thought they were coming back yep most returned and some one did some research on this and its true they are homing snails! good luck in the control of your snails also you could put out some thing that really like and collect them and drive to the country and dump them there!

    That reminds me of a funny joke, A guy comes home from work and see a snail on the walk way. He picks up the snail and throws it across the street at his neighbors yard.

    A years later the guy who threw the snail is sitting at home watching t.v. and he hears a knock at the door. He answers the door, but doesn't see anyone, he looks down and see's a snail...

    The snail says,"Hey what's your problem?" That's it...

    hi leeroy that was good keep them comming mel
    I am in the same boat, beer is the answer. The commercial products referred to as snail bait have arsenic in them which will kill any animal. Snails eat it, birds eat the snails and the birds die. Not a good solution as it has devistating effects on the ecology. This is very dangerous. If you have children or pets they can ingest the arsenic which is deadly.
    Going green and helping nature is the best way.
    from all the rain and moisture
    Diatomaceous earth (from the bottom of the ocean and made up of small pieces of shells etc.) spread around the plants, pieces of copper placed around the plants, beer put in saucer or small containers or even cans placed in holes dug in the ground around the plants all work - I can testify to that. The beer is the cheapest method but is messy and you need to dump out the beer and slug/snail bodies every couple of days and refresh. Also there is a commercially produced pellet that will destroy the little buggers quite effectively.

    Snail and slugs live in damp and wet areas of gardens. The love to chew holes in plant leaves and usually come out and feed at night.

    I have extensive shade gardens around my house and spend an enormous amount of time battling slugs every summer.

    Good luck.
    You could try putting sawdust around the plants. Snails hate it, it cuts and scratches them.

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