    Is the telephone becoming a thing of the past because of the cell phone?

    +1  Views: 699 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Yes, that can be a problem during hurricane Wilma there were so many Floridians on their cell phones the servers couldn't handle all of the traffic, people could hardly communicate without getting a busy signal or a dropped call.

    In the case of an emergency most people should have a land line with an older style phone that doesn't need to be plugged into an electrical outlet. Especially people that have family or may have special medical needs themselves.

    Once the power goes out the only thing left is a cell phone, but many phone lines are still in tact during different types of emergencies. It's a smart idea to be prepared for an unexpected event.
    ole hipster

    You are so right leeroy (as always...well almost as always...I don't want to give you a "big head" now!) :) Hope all is well with you my friend and a TU for your most thoughtful answer!

    lol, thanks, yeah, doing o.k., hope you are good to, remember hurricane parties ? Those were the days.
    Probably will, then the cells will start to fail or get jammed by terrorists and we won't be able to communicate.
    Yeah...I kind of miss the old ding a ling type thing myself (shades of Lili Tomlin)...but cell phones are so much more convenient even though I have both a land line and cell phone I do prefer the cell due to the "freedom" it gives you but then again sometimes a cell phone can be annoying simply because people can pretty much "find" you no matter where you are (providing you answer of course!) (:

    So true, I miss the days when you could just get away from it all, before beepers and cell phones. If you weren't at home or work just leave a message. How is it convenient to be bothered at all hours of the day and at anyplace? Yes I am being facetious they are convenient, but sometimes to convenient.
    I think they are. When we put our new house up we didn't even put a land line in

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