    Earlier today I printed several documents, I just tried to print an additional document, but, I get a message that my printer is off-line. I have tried to get printer on-line without success. Pls advise. Thank you, Ron

    Printer is HP D4300 series.

    0  Views: 247 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Not sure what kind of printer you have but every time my Lexmark messes up I call them and they some how get on my computer and work out the bugs to the printer and get it up and running...My new one is wireless and I thought it was set up to be wireless not until they helped me did I find out it was never wireless... what a waste of money I spent having it set up when the guy did my new computer... call your printers customer service and see if they can help you out... I'm clueless on how to do it but they sure helped me out the 2 times I've called them... good luck.

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